Whether you've just sent the kids off to college, you're saving up for that new car, or just trying to save money, a lot of people are pinching pennies these days. So what to do when you're bored and on a budget? Here are a few ideas from beauty and fitness to philanthropic and just plain fun. Enjoy!
Image via: nailartmania.com
1. Paint your toes; try different colors and don't be afraid to experiment.
2. Give yourself a homemade facial masque, like this
3. Take a bath in Dead Sea salts or some essential oils.
4. Go for a makeover at your nearest department store or call your nearest Mary Kay consultant.
5. Give your hair some TLC and treat it with a masque like
Earth Science's Olive & Avocado Deep Conditioning Hair Masque
6. See your hairdresser for a quick trim.

7. Wash your car.
8. Meditate.
9. Go for a walk, run, or bike ride; just get outside and get moving.
10. Bake a cake.
11. Volunteer. Check out
VolunteerMatch.org for organizations in your area looking for volunteers.
12. Get out your camera and work on your photography skills, you may discover a new hobby.
13. Read.

14. Learn how to knit.
15. Clean out your closet and donate your clothes you don't want to the Salvation Army.
16. Make playlists for your iPod.
17. Experiment with your makeup.
18. Make a collage of your favorite outfits from magazines.
19. Nap.
20. Skype with a friend.